I would like to welcome Julia Kent to the blog today. She is going to share with us information on her newest release Maliciously Obedient. So grab a drink and join us.
Author: Julia Kent
Genre: BBW Erotic Romance
Publisher: Self Published
Release Date: Mar 5 2013

Getting caught reading Fifty Shades of Grey in the parking lot at work wasn't the best way for 25-year-old Lydia Charles to meet her boss. A boss she didn't know she had. Matt Jones now had the job she had been waiting to apply for (and win) for the past year, and to add insult to injury, he's the kind of guy her parents would adore.
Damn it.
The only kid of six to choose to run off to Boston and leave behind her idyllic family in Maine, Lydia's determined to prove herself in the big city, but she has to keep Matt at arm's length. After a steamy elevator encounter that leaves her missing her panties – and most of her resolve – she decides that maybe it's time to let him get inside her.
In more ways than one.
But when Matt suddenly closes off she's upset and confused. When he also acts like he owns the place, she decides that malicious obedience – following his every command to the letter – will prove how much the department needs her creativity after he insists he knows best.
What Lydia doesn't know is that “Matt” is really Michael Bournham, the CEO of the company, part of an undercover reality television stunt. Keeping his hands off Lydia's luscious curves was becoming an exercise in restraint, but what was harder? Keeping his heart from her.
For Michael, Lydia's malicious obedience ignited a night of unbridled passion in the office that made him forget everything – including the rolling cameras – until it was too late. When unscrupulous producers make their lovemaking viral, Michael pulls out all the stops and calls in every favor as Lydia...maliciously obeys.
RBTL: Where did you come up with the idea for your new book?
I was on Facebook and someone put a link to yet another celebrity sex tape on my feed, and it made me wonder how people feel when they're caught on tape in the most intimate of moments. I had started a romance novel about a CEO and a lower-level administrative assistant in his company, but with a twist – she's young, has a master's degree, and isn't insecure (OK, not too much!). Blending the two came together in that crazy way ideas have of taking on lives of their own.
RBTL: How did you come up with your characters?
Michael/Matt is that type of man who wants to have it all and thinks he has killer ambition – but what he really wants is to be left to experiment with ideas and see them take bloom. Including with love; he's walled himself off and used women as objects to climb the media and corporate ladder, and then he meets Lydia. Suddenly, nothing else matters – literally, the world melts away. So much so that he forgets himself – in ways that sabotage everything and teach him some life lessons he doesn't see coming.
Same with Lydia, in a way. She's ambitious and head-strong, with great ideas but not the killer business instinct that others (Michael/Matt, her boss, Dave, the reality t.v. Producer, Jonah) have. In some ways she's more like Mike/Matt's best friend, Jeremy – a dot com millionaire turned world traveling slacker. You wouldn't think they had much in common, but you'll see more of that in the second book in the trilogy.
Madge, the waitress from Jeddy's in my Her Billionaires series, makes an unexpected appearance – reviving her was fun. Lydia's stalwart best friend, Krysta, is a bt mousy but extremely loyal – and we haven't seen the last of her, for she has a wicked crush on Lydia's brother, Caleb.
The campground plays a major role in books two and three in the trilogy, and that's intentional – over time, I plan for each of the brothers to have their own book (or trilogy!).
RBTL: Who did you show your first draft to and why?
My husband and my transcriptionist. I often dictate portions of my books so I can write more and faster (and because of an old shoulder injury that flares up). My poor transcriptionist, though, gets the book in disjointed scenes – I don't always write in a linear fashion. Plus, I don't dictate sex scenes. I just, uh, can't!
Why my husband? Because he's my beta. Beta reader. ;)
RBTL: Do you have plans to a follow up?
Maliciously Obedient is the first full-length novel in a trilogy, so yes. Suspiciously Obedient is the second, and Deliciously Obedient will wrap up this series.
RBTL: Open your book to a random page and tell us the first paragraph…
Everything about this man turned her on, from the hint of aftershave he wore, to the way his biceps pressed against his oxford shirt. Those arms had been around her just days ago, and his body rested in a relaxed, but aware state, knees slightly bent, hand holding a briefcase, eyes perceptive and watching her. As she stepped into the elevator she hoped no one would join them, the pneumatic hiss of the doors closing like an answered prayer.
RBTL: What is your favorite movie?
When Harry Met Sally (I know, cliché...)
RBTL: What do you like to read?
I read a lot of pop culture nonfiction, like Malcolm Gladwell and Seth Godin. I love J. Maarten Troost's creative nonfiction travel books. For romance? Eloisa James, Kristan Higgins, Alice Clayton, and Madeline Hunter.
RBTL: Where do you go to escape?
My computer!
RBTL: Do you have any pets?
Nope. I have boy children. I don't need more animals.
RBTL: What advice do you have for aspiring writers?
Write! Hugh Howey had a great article recently on how writers have to learn to become comfortable sitting in front of a blank word document. It's a skill, as he says. He's so right. It's easy to become distracted, to overthink a scene, to wonder if the work is publishable, but push it all aside. Just make yourself do it. The characters will reward you with help.
RBTL: Would you recommend self publishing or main stream publishing for first time novelists?
Self-publishing. A few years ago I wouldn't have said that, but now – yes. You're forced to learn everything, from cover design to formatting to author accounts to marketing. Figuring out who is a good editor is hard, but it's also easier when it's YOUR money you're spending. You become more discerning, and sharpen your business skills.
Maliciously Obedient hit #6 in the entire Nook store in mid-March. I'll use that to help leverage a traditional publishing deal – something I couldn't have done if I'd waited. Not everyone will get a book to go that high on a major retailer's site, but being a self-published author hones skills that will help should you wish to be a hybrid author, with a foot in both worlds.
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Julia Kent turned to writing romance novels after learning that she could not work as a fighter pilot because her fear of flying disqualified her. Turning to her second love, she became a dog groomer, but had to abandon that job after adopting too many strays. Writing about very real, very flawed people is a natural extension of her life and, well, her. She lives on the east coast with her partner, two small children, seventeen dogs that weigh less than fifteen pounds each, and a monthly consumption of Nutella, brie and french bread that makes cardiologists cringe.
She loves to hear from her readers by email at jkentauthor@gmail.com, @jkentauthor (Twitter) and on Facebook at facebook.com/julia.kent.100
Matt and Lydia sound like amazing characters, both fully fleshed and totally relatable. Maliciously Obedient is at the top of my to-read list now, and I can't wait to see the rest of the series! :)
♥ Karielle Stephanie @ Books à la Mode
Ohh la la! This one sounds so delicious and different! It grabbed my attention right away and I've got to grab it up on my next payday :D
I'm so glad it's part of a trilogy - love that!
congrats to Julia on the new release! Sounds awesome :) Thanks for the fun interview!
The characters sound intriguing
I love the fact that this is all occurring with a reality show. I too have often wondered how people feel about their most intimate moments being released against their wishes to the public. I could never and hope that never happens to me lol
This sounds like a great story! The reality show twist is neat, but I do hope that IRL these shows have to have the express consent of all the participants before airing...and have to destroy the tapes if they do not get it.
I loved this book! I can't wait to read the next one in the series!
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