Author: Jennifer Martinez
Series:The Rules Trilogy
Genre: Urban Fantasy/ New Adult Paranormal Romance
Publisher: Self Published
Release Date: March 15, 2013
Format: (Print, EBook, or Both) Both

There are three rules when it comes to being a vampire in New Orleans. 1) Don’t kill dinner. 2) Don’t feed from people you know. 3) Don’t tell anyone. Not too hard, right? Wrong. Kenna is a new vampire filled with a passion that has turned into an uncontrollable lust for blood.
Will Arthur be able to stop her feeding spree before the coven comes after her or is Kenna beyond saving?
Arthur has been watching Kenna for years, wanting her to try her own hand in life before he gave her the ultimate proposal. Now that she has accepted, will his love be enough to save her?
Where did the inspiration for this story come from? What is the story behind the story so to speak?
The feeling of helplessness behind bullying. I was in a bad situation where I was being treated poorly. Kenna came about to prove that no one can hold you down. She was my role model in a rough time… granted she probably could have gone about it a better way, but nobody tells her what to do.
Tell us about the book cover.
It was made by the amazingly talented Amanda Carroll at Sarian Royal Designs.
How does it represent your book?
It shows her as the woman she knows she is strong and confident. How all women should see themselves. How did you choose the artwork?
I gave Amanda the criteria of “Can kick a butt, and not skinny. It was important for her to look healthy. With so many teensy tiny people in the media doing horrible things for womens self image I wanted a girl with curves to be my heroine.
Where do the ideas for your books
come from?
between my brain and my heart. I notice a new story tends to peek out when I am
Have you ever co-written book/books?
If so was it difficult? If not would you ever consider co-writing with another
I haven’t
yet but I have talked about it with a certain NA author who I love and adore. J There may be something in the works
in the near future.
Where do you get your character names
characters names all mean something about their personalities. I probably spend
more time than I should on names but I can’t help it.. You wouldn’t want to see
a goth girl named something like April… It just doesn’t fit.
What type of research goes into your
Tons!!! I’ve
had to research the history of New Orleans, two different languages and blood
borne diseases.
Are your family and friends
supportive of your writing?
My family
and friends are hugely supportive. My mom jokes that she is living vicariously
through me because she has never been able to write anything.
Do you remember when your interest in
writing came about?
In a peak
emotional state back in December, my husband was out of town so I had no one to
vent to. I opened word and started writing.
Other then writing what are your
I love my
pets! We have 4 dogs that are our life! We don’t plan on having kids any time
soon so they are our babies. We have Peanut and Butter then Sirius Black and
Bellatrix. The HP dogs are mine.. Hes got the food babies J
Did you learn anything from writing
your books, if so what was it?
That I am a
lot stronger and creative than I ever thought possible. I was always one to
mimic and never create now I can’t stop!
What are your current WIP? Can you
share with us?
Book 2:
Don’t Feed and a YA book titled Blossom. Don’t Feed picks up right where Don’t
Kill Dinner left off and follows the war between the races. There are some
pretty awesome twists and turns but its too early to divulge that info ;).
Blossom is the story of a 16 year old girl who finds out she is the Princess of
a fae kingdom. She has to find a way to balance her human life with her fae
responsibilities or give up one half of herself.
Thus all Art is propaganda and ever must be, despite the
wailing of the purists.– WEB Du Bois
Movie :
That’s like
choosing my favorite puppy!!! The Harry Potter Series or The Fifth Element.
Kenna’s role model is Milla Jovovich J
Anything I
can dance to.
This or That
Day or Night:
Rain or Snow:
Facebook or Twitter:
Mac or PC:
THE WIN!!!!!!!
Coffee or Tea:
One day while slaving away at her monotonous day job, Jennifer Martinez found her true calling. Like a firefly in the night, the pages called to her. Once she caught the bug there was no stopping it. Her fingers flew furiously across the keyboard winding tales of love, mystery and anger. She snapped out of her reverie to find herself still behind the desk but at least she knew who she was… Author Jennifer Martinez.
I like to think of myself as a beautiful conundrum. When I am not writing, I can be found surrounded by my amazing family and 4 dogs or volunteering at a local animal rescue. I love who I am and don’t mind at all when I get strange looks from people. I am a tattoo covered, child and animal lover who looks forward to destroying peoples preconceived notions of what “someone like me” would be interested in. You only live life once… you may as well make it interesting.
I love to get lost in a good book and hope that everyone will get lost in mine.
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