
Giveaway & Guest Post Bidding Wars by Lacey Wolfe

Saturday, July 27, 2013
Title: Bidding Wars
Author: Lacey Wolfe
Series: Love Strikes (#1)
Genre: Contemporary Romance
Publisher: etopiapress
Release Date: May 15 2013

A sheriff plus a nurse plus a house equals trouble…

Nurse Molly Harper has had a tough year. But when she decides to regain control of her life, buying her dream house becomes her first priority. Finding the perfect house and falling in love with it—that’s the easy part. The hard part is getting rid of the obnoxious man who thinks he’s going to be the new owner. Even if he is gorgeous. And the sheriff…

Sheriff Luke Logan needs to buy a house. Getting out of the renting game will help in the custody battle for his son, so when the perfect place pops up right on his street, he can’t believe his luck. But there’s already an offer on the table, and the woman won’t back down. Too bad she doesn’t know that he always goes after what he wants, and he has no intention of letting her have “his” house. Even if she does make him feel that he might need more than just a house to make a home…

Giveaway & Guest Post A World Away by Lila Lacroix

Friday, July 26, 2013
Title: A World Away
Author: Lila Lacroix
Series: Stand Alone
Genre: New Adult Contemporary Romance
Publisher: Self Published
Release Date: June 20 2013

College sophomore Sophie Burnette has just been dumped by her boyfriend, is losing touch with her high school friends and is generally tired of her life in her small Midwestern city. When she sees an ad for doing a semester abroad, she jumps on the opportunity.

Philippe Vaillancourt is a graduate student with a turbulent past who can’t help but immediately fall for Sophie when she walks past him in the park one day.

Sophie’s heart, however, has already been captured by local photographer Jacques Lafleur who shows her a Paris Sophie couldn’t have dreamed existed. But when circumstances throw Sophie and Philippe together, and she begins to realize she’s heading down a dark and dangerous path, will Philippe be able to bring her back, or is Sophie already in too deep?

Book Trailer Blitz Copper Girl by Jennifer Allis Provost

Thursday, July 25, 2013
Title: Copper Girl
Author: Jennifer Allis Provost
Series: Copper Legacy
Genre: Urban Fantasy
Publisher: Spence City
Release Date: June 25 2013

Sara had always been careful.
She never spoke of magic, never associated with those suspected of handling magic, never thought of magic, and never, ever, let anyone see her mark. After all, the last thing she wanted was to end up missing, like her father and brother.
Then, a silver elf pushed his way into Sara's dream, and her life became anything but ordinary.

I LOVE Indie Books Blog Hop

We all love Blog Hops ( I mean who wouldn't they are full of amazing prizes up for grabs) and we all Love Indie Authors. So Readers Realm & Indie Inked have decided to join forces and host an I Indie Books Blog Hop. So One My Stop on this hop I have the Lovely Susan Griscom talking to us about writing in the YA Genre and I will be giving away 5 eBooks of her YA Title Allusive Aftershock along with 5 eBooks of MaryLynn Bast YA Title Realm of Secrets part of her Heart of a Wolf Series. So Make Sure To Enter The Rafflecopter and when finished make sure you hop along to all the other stops and enter for more amazing prizes. 
Now The Lovely Susan will be taking over for a little while.

It’s not much different writing in the Young Adult genre compared to the adult. For Allusive Aftershock, the main challenge was taking myself back to my high school days and taping into my memories of the way things were and the way my friends and I dealt with things. Of course, so much has changed since then, like technology for the instance, but the emotions are the same with girls crushing on boys and boys crushing on girls. Technology really wasn’t an issue in this story, mostly because the earthquake destroys so much. But it’s comforting to know that young love never changes.
I was in love as a teenager and it was a strong, strong feeling for me. Being in love as a teenager, doesn’t mean it feels any less important. Love is love, no matter how old you are. We all change over the years, but there are so many people I know who fell in love in high school and years and years later are still together—although I wasn’t one of the lucky ones to have found my soul mate in high school, the fact there are many, says so much about the power of young love.
When I wrote Allusive Aftershock, I channeled my brain back into the time when I did have a steady boyfriend and I used the relationship we had. It was serious up until I went away to college and he didn’t. Things happen. But he was my boyfriend during that awful earthquake we went through in our senior year of high school. The one I used in the beginning of Allusive Aftershock actually happened almost the exact way I described it in the book, except I didn’t have a little sister and brother. But, the earthquake in the beginning is the only part of the book that was taken from experience. The rest, I hope never happens, except maybe the love part.
Although, Adela doesn’t have a boyfriend like I did, she does tend to stick like glue to Max, the wrong guy. I suppose, since I didn’t marry my high school boyfriend but spent most of my time with him it was similar in that way. Then later, when she starts to like Courtland, that was an easy relationship for me to imagine as well as write. Both boys in the book are hot so I had fun imagining I was Adela and having the difficult decision of figuring out whom she should actually trust, or like or even love.
Natural disasters happen all over the world, whether it’s an earthquake, hurricane, tornado or fire they can all be devastating. I chose an earthquake for this story, only because I’ve experienced them and could relate a little better. However, the ones that happen in Allusive Aftershock are fiction except for some similarities of the first one, which wasn’t all that bad and I would never want to be in one as horrible as the ones in Allusive Aftershock and the chances of any happening like those are very slim. My heart always goes out to everyone who has ever experienced anything life-threatening cause by mother nature. When I wrote Allusive Aftershock, for me, it was more about the relationships between Adela, Courtland and Max that drew the story, not the disaster. 
If you read Allusive Aftershock, I’d love to hear your thoughts and you can email me at susangriscom@hotmail.com or simply leave a review on Amazon.com.   

Please be sure to visit Susan's blog for a chance to win a signed print copy of Allusive Aftershock.   

a Rafflecopter giveaway

Places to find Susan

Places to find Allusive Aftershock

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Places to find MaryLynn
Heart Of A Wolf

Places to find Realm of Secrets
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Guest Post Hearts in Exile by Mysti Parker

Title: Hearts In Exile
Author: Mysti Parker
Series: Tallenmere (stand-alone)
Genre: Paranormal, Fantasy, Romance
Publisher: Melange Books
Release Date: June 3, 2013

Somewhere, hidden in the waters of the Southern Sea, lies an island unlike any other. Within the amber glow of its pyrogem-laden cliffs, legend says the very heart of the dragon god Drae keeps the island, and its occupants, alive.

Loralee Munroviel, daughter of Leogard's High Priestess Arianne, had no idea what she would face when she arrived by boat ten years ago and was left alone in exile. All she knew about Draekoria's inhabitants was written in one tattered notebook. Now, her life revolves around keeping Drae's descendants happy. Never in her life did she imagine being a Dragon Keeper.

Captain Igrorio Everlyn, known as Sir Robert to his unit of Holy Paladins, has faced his share of hell, battling the evils of Emperor Sarvonn's tyranny and the dark god Tyr's abominations. But none of that compares to the ten years of hell he's been without Loralee, presumed dead.

One freak storm changes everything. Now the two of them must fight to re-establish the delicate balance of the island before the dragons take things into their own hands. Through it all, they discover the secrets that kept them, and their hearts, exiled for a decade.

Cover Reveal Heavenly Hunted by Aria Williams

Wednesday, July 24, 2013

Giveaway & Guest Post Shady Cove: New Girl in Town by Ava Catori

Title: Shady Cove: New Girl in Town
Author: Ava Catori
Genre: New Adult Romance
Publisher:Self Published
Release Date: May 16 2013

Can a big city girl go country? Jenna’s life grinds to a halt after her brother’s suicide. With her college funds non-existent and her future plans put on hold, she’s forced to relocate to a sleepy town. Just when her entire world is crumbling, she meets Benji Preston, a local guy she doesn't expect to fall for. He's not even her type! A harmless flirtation quickly escalates into something more. The only catch? He’s the same guy her cousin has been harboring a crush on for ages. With tongues wagging and jealousy dogging her every step, Jenna has to decide what's more important; her heart or her family ties?