
Isadora DayStar by P.I. Barrington Interveiw & Giveaway

Saturday, April 14, 2012
Issdora Daystar by P.I. Barrington
Title: Isadora Daystar
Author: P.I. Barrington
Goodreads Synopsis:

When drug addled assassin Isadora DayStar finally snags a major interplanetary killing job, she thinks it will both support her habit and revise her status as the laughingstock of her profession. Instead, she embarks on a journey that brings her face to face with her tortured past.After botching yet another assassination job, ex-military gunner Isadora steals a highly desired new type of weapon as payment. To escape her infuriated employer she stows away on a plague infested ship that spirals downward toward the nearest planet. In an attempt to escape the crashing craft, Isadora finds both an escape pod and the only other survivor, a teenage girl, Iphedeiah. They take flight on a series of encounters from murderous monks to interplanetary pirates while Isadora tries to hide her addiction along the way. They slowly form a grudging bond that grows into friendship and trust. When Isadora kills an old contact to save the girl, they are separated only to be captured individually and then tortured by Caine Dureaux, Isadora's employer to extract the location of the weapon. Who will blink first?
Interview with P.I . Barrington


Can you please tell us a little bit about yourself?

I come from an entertainment background. It was my goal in life, LOL! I worked in Hollywood at a major music company and before that I was a journalist. I've always lived in Southern California so working in the industry was almost a given. I never really took my writing seriously, at least the fiction side of it and put it all away for decades until I thought I'd give it another shot—hopefully no other journalists will read this but I never considered journalism as "real" writing—it was fiction I always felt was real. As a journalist you report the facts so it's not creative even if you're writing a feature article. So, in my mind, fiction writing was always the real writing because you're creating an entire world from nothing other than an idea.
Where did the idea of Isadora DayStar come from?

Actually she sprouted from two things: I used to watch a show called CreationScapes on the DayStar religious channel and they would show incredibly beautiful landscapes with music and Bible quotes—I was hooked on it! One night—late I used to start watching at 1:00 a.m. lol—the show was over and the DayStar channel logo came up. It was literally a light going off! I thought "What a great name for a character, especially a sci-fi character!" Right before I fell asleep, the name Isadora (not my favorite at that time) popped into my head: Isadora DayStar!

The second part of her character came from an interview of another author…can't remember the name…and the interviewer asked the author how she came up with tremendously difficult obstacles for her main character to overcome. The author replied that she hated the character so badly that she thought up the most horrible things to happen to her. The interviewer said that the character overcoming those obstacles was what made her love the character. My response was a little different. I wondered if I could consciously create a character that I hated. At first I made Isadora rude and crude but it just wasn't working. So I made her a drug addict and voila! Isadora DayStar was born!

And I'll tell you another amazing thing: I was looking online at hairstyles and haircuts that I might try. All these hundreds of headshots came up and the models, men and women, were all immaculately styled and made up. Suddenly, in the middle of a page that had like six columns of headshots, there was this odd picture of a woman with a soft, longish Mohawk cut, thin beyond skinny, wearing a tank top and pants no shoes crouched upon the top of a small pillar. She had no make-up and her face was thin and angular and she wasn't even looking at the camera! It was her profile. She was Isadora come to life!

Have you written a book that you love but have not been able to get published yet?

I have several but they're not finished yet. Both are sci-fi with major romantic lines running through them, one is dark-ish like Isadora and the other is…well, complicated. They still have quite a way to go to be ready for submission but when I love a story or stories I get obsessed with them so soon…very soon…

What was your favorite chapter (or part) to write and why?

It has to be when the worm turns so to speak. Isadora finally takes on the worst prostitution job ever and it's her limit. She can't take it anymore and yet she sacrifices herself for someone else rather than the Ingentin. At that point she snaps and though she's almost dying herself, saves another person, she thinks. I think the scene when she returns and uses the Bio-Eraser for violence and revenge, knowing she has nothing left to lose. When she recounts what happened to her, I think it depicts just how far she will go to save someone else, just how horrible it was—it's both her lowest point and highest point—she kills only for revenge for once but she also is willing to die to save an innocent person. And in both situations, she never uses Ingentin. It wasn't the easiest scene to write but for me the most rewarding.

Did you have a playlist while writing Isadora DayStar like many authors have?

No! I never have anything other than my mom watching TV in the background. I have to either focus on the music or the writing, I can't do both. Music is my first love and always distracts me and I have to stop writing and listen to it. There's no multi-creative tasking here, lol! The television is just white noise and I can ignore it for the most part. It does have annoying moments like when she cranks it up because she's not wearing her hearing aids and the voices kill a great line or point I'm trying to write lol. A lot of authors say they write better to music but it's not for me. When I'm in the story I'm in the story—again, it's that movie in my head and I have to concentrate solely on it.

Do you have any rituals or writing quirks?

Again no and that's something I really want. I've been trying to develop one but nothing sticks or gets me in the mood to write. Some of the things I've tried were using a special coffee cup, sitting and staring at the birds in my yard and listening to them in the early a.m., and turning off the morning news. None of it helps. I wish I could find something like other authors, some of them meditate (don't have the patience anymore), burn incense or candles—it just sounds so cool but nothing works for me other than sitting down and firing up the desktop.

If you could ask yourself any interview question, what would you ask, and how would you answer it?

I LOVE it when I get asked about casting my characters! You know, it's funny but I was actually around before the Internet, lol, and back then you didn't have instant access to pictures of actors or models or just average people. You had to rely on memory or literally imagination to create the characters' looks! And while that was great, I don't think the Internet has had any negative effect. I think it's even better to have pictures because for me, I can literally give characteristics and quirks and voices, pretty much every physical aspect that for me at least, really completes a character. I've used everyone from Jared Leto to Vin Diesel (surprised the heck out of me!) for my characters. One day I dream of splashing Isadora's picture over all my social media at once! But for right now, she's under wraps!


Favorite Candy?

Wow, so many! Mars Bar or Big Hunk

Beaches or Mountains?

Both! I'm from the desert so either one is fine with me!

Twitter or Facebook?

Twitter, definitely!

Spontaneity or Planning Ahead?

Spontaneity! My sister & co-author is OCD about pre-planning everything! I'm the opposite.

PC or MAC?

I used to swear by PC's but then I bought an MSI and adore it and everyone tells me it's just like a MAC. So I may be changing over to MAC!

a Rafflecopter giveaway

Review Supernaturally Kissed by Stacey Kennedy

Wednesday, April 11, 2012
Supernaturally Kissed
Title: Supernaturally Kissed
Author: Stacey Kennedy
Series: Frostbite
Publisher: Ellora’s Cave
Release Date: January 5 2012 ( Originally published December 29 2011)
Edition: Kindle
Source: Author in return for honest review
Genre:  Paranormal Romance/Erotica
Rating: 5stars

Goodreads Synopsis

Ghosts harass and annoy Tess to save their souls. Sometimes she helps them. Other times she ignores them. But one ghost will give her no choice. Kipp, a former cop with the Memphis Police Department, will stop at nothing to gain her help, including using his ghostly charms to seduce her.
Tess must help solve the five-year-old cold case of Hannah Reid’s disappearance, because solving the case will save Kipp. But a bigger problem presents itself. Tess is falling in love with a ghost. Now she must decide. Keep Kipp forever, or find the killer.

W…W…W… Wednesday

WWW wednesday 1
This weekly meme is hosted by MizB @ Should Be Reading.
To play along, just answer the following three (3) questions…
• What are you currently reading?
• What did you recently finish reading?
• What do you think you’ll read next?

What are you currently reading?
I am currently reading …
Brightest Kind Of Darkness
What did you just recently finish reading?
I just recently finished …
The Houglass
What do you think you will read next?
This is what I will probably read next …
5.5"X8.5" Post Card Template
PLEASE LEAVE A COMMENT with either the link to your own WWW Wednesdays post, or share your answer in a comment here (if you don’t have a blog). Thanks!

happy2 (1)

Anna SIG Black

Waiting On Wednesday

Waiting on Wednesday

 Waiting on Wednesday is a weekly event hosted by Jill at Breaking the Spine that spotlights upcoming releases that we are eagerly anticipating! Want to participate? Post your own WOW entry on your blog, and leave your link at Breaking the Spine. My pick......


Title : Ascend
Author : Amanda Hocking
Series : Trylle Trilogy (#3)

PLZ leave a comment on what your Waiting On Wednesday book or books are .

happy2 (1)

Anna Sig Teal

Teaser Tuesday

Tuesday, April 10, 2012

Teaser Tuesday
Teaser Tuesdays is a weekly bookish meme, hosted by MizB of Should Be Reading. Anyone can play along! Just do the following:
• Grab your current read
• Open to a random page
• Share two (2) “teaser” sentences from somewhere on that page
BE CAREFUL NOT TO INCLUDE SPOILERS! (make sure that what you share doesn’t give too much away! You don’t want to ruin the book for others!)
• Share the title & author, too, so that other TT participants can add the book to their TBR Lists if they like your teasers!

My Teaser

Brightest Kind Of Darkness

  Ethan’s surprising comment played over and over in my head, beating away my doubts. My insides heated and curled inward like paper slowly burning along the edges.  Brightest Kind Of Darkness by P.T. Michelle 

happy2 (1)

Anna Sig Teal

Be Sure to Post in the Comments what your Teaser for Tuesday is.

Economics: A Simple Twist on Normalcy by Kersten Kelly Interview

Monday, April 9, 2012

First Can You Tell Us A Little Bit About Yourself?

I am a self-published author of narrative non-fiction and semi-fiction books. I grew up in Munster, Indiana, and currently work in a sales role based out of Chicago, Illinois. I started writing at an early age and graduated from Indiana University with a dual Bachelor’s Degree in Economics and Communication & Culture. I then went on to earn a Master’s in Business Administration from the Kelley School of Business at Indiana University. I have a passion for learning, teaching, and writing as well as international travel in my spare time. This book is my first piece of published work. I have a passion to share the knowledge of economics with the world, and I hope to publish my second book by the end of this year.

When did you first start writing Economics: A Simple Twist On Normalcy, and when did you finish it?

I started writing economics: a simple twist on normalcy in June 2011, and I finished the writing process in December 2011. I had an excellent team of people to help me including my editor, Autumn Conley, and outstanding designer, Lauren M. Harrington. I would never have been able to make this book possible without their help. They worked tirelessly (along side me) to get this book published on March 5, 2012. Although it's complete, I'm always jotting down notes for the next edition of the book.

How did you choose the topic to write?

Economics is a fantastic subject that is very relevant in society today. With a recessionary climate, I wanted to educate people on different ways to consider their everyday lives and activities. After I finished my master's degree, I knew that I needed to share some of the information that I learned and the examples that I came across.

Do you have a day job as well?

Yes, I sure do. I am a private label toaster pastry and granola bar salesperson for the western half of the country. I get to fly around different parts of the west coast to visit with customers and develop products with them in the cereal category. My job is fantastic - it keeps me both busy and challenged. Plus, I get to sell delicious food to people who love to eat.

Do you work with an outline or just write?

Typically, I just write, but there are constant revisions. I usually keep a "notes" page separate from the working document that constitutes the book. For this book, I moved chapters, sections, sentences, and words around many times. It's a constant rearranging process for me. I wanted to make sure it flowed correctly.

What is the best advice anyone has ever given to you?

You can never be too humble. Humility is one of the greatest assets that my parents taught me growing up. No matter what successes or defeats I have, I try to remain level-headed and humble throughout the process. You really never know who you will meet, what they will teach you, or how they will influence your life.

What advice would you give aspiring new authors?

Interview a published author and ask them as many questions that you can think of. People that have done this process will know the highlights and the issues with the entire thing. They may be able to provide insight for you that isn't written in any book or "how to" guide. Use this person as a mentor as well. People love to talk about their accomplishments and teach others. Let them do that, and be a willing student.

What are your views on self-publishing versus traditional publishing?

I think everyone should try to self-publish at least once. This has been one of the hardest and one of the most rewarding experiences I've ever had. I get to be involved in every aspect of the book's progress. It is a lot of work, but it is more than worth the effort and time.

  Any tips for new writers hoping to write non-fiction?

1. Never give up.
2. Challenge yourself.
3. Edit, edit, edit, and edit again.
4. Reach out to other non-fiction authors and ask questions. People are willing to help.
5. Write about a subject you enjoy and that you are passionate about.
Anna SIG Black

Greta and The Goblin King by Chloe Jacobs Cover Reveal

I am  happy to be part of the cover reveal for an upcoming novel by debut Entangled Publishing author, Chloe Jacobs. Her upcoming book, GRETA AND THE GOBLIN KING, is the first installment in The Mylena Chronicles.
I can’t wait to devour this one!
Stick around, because later this year Read Between The Lines will have the honor of providing you with an exclusive excerpt from Greta and the Goblin King!

Title: Greta and The Goblin King
Author: Chloe Jacobs
Series: The Mylena Chronicles
Publisher: Entangled Publishing
Release Date: November 2012
Genre:  Fantasy/YA

While trying to save her brother four years ago, Greta was thrown into the witch’s fire herself, falling through a portal to a dangerous world where humans are the enemy, and every ogre, goblin, and ghoul has a dark side that comes out with the full moon.
To survive, seventeen-year-old Greta has hidden her humanity and taken the job of bounty hunter—and she’s good at what she does. So good, she’s caught the attention of Mylena’s young Goblin King, the darkly enticing Isaac, who invades her dreams and undermines her determination to escape.
But Greta’s not the only one looking to get out of Mylena. The full moon is mere days away, and an ancient evil knows she’s the key to opening the portal. If Greta fails, she and the lost boys of Mylena will die. If she succeeds, no world will be safe from what follows her back…
Meet The Author Chloe Jacobs    
Chloe Jacobs is a native of nowhere and everywhere, having jumped around to practically every Province of Canada before finally settling in Ontario where she has now been living for a respectable number of years. Her husband and son are the two best people in the entire world, but they also make her wish she’d at least gotten a female cat. No such luck. And although the day job keeps her busy, she carves out as much time as possible to write. Bringing new characters to life and finding out what makes them tick and how badly she can make them suffer is one of her greatest pleasures, almost better than chocolate and fuzzy pink bunny slippers.

Places to Find Greta and The Goblin King
Barnes and Noble (BN)

Places to Find Chloe Jacobs

Soulstone by Katie Salidas Review

Wednesday, April 4, 2012

Title: Soulstone
Author: Katie Salidas
Series: Immortalis ( Book #4 )
Publisher: Rising Sign Books
Release Date: April 3 2012
Edition: E-copy
Source: Author For Honest Review
Genre: pararomal romancevampires

Rating: 5stars

Goodreads Synopsis

It’s a desperate time for rookie vampire Alyssa, and her sanity is hanging by a slender thread. Her clan is still reeling from the monumental battle with Aniketos; a battle that claimed the body of Lysander, her sire and lover, and trapped his spirit in a mysterious crystal. A Soulstone.
Unfortunately, no amount of magic has been able to release Lysander’s spirit, and the stone is starting to fade. Weeks of effort have proved futile. Her clan, the Peregrinus, have all but given up hope. Only Alyssa still believes her lover can be released. In despair, Alyssa begs the help of the local witch coven, and unwittingly exposes the supernaturals of Boston to unwanted attention from the Acta Sanctorum.
The Saints converge on the city and begin their cleansing crusade to rid the world of all things “Unnatural.” In the middle of an all-out war, but no closer to a solution to the dying stone, Alyssa is left with an unenviable choice: save her mate, or save her clan.

My Thoughts
Fan’FREAKING’tastic Just like the first 3 in this AWESOME Series. You can find my reviews of the others in this series here.

I love this series and I could not wait to devour this book. Soulstone picks up right where Pandora’s Box ends with Lysander’s soul stuck in the soulstone. Alyssa will do anything to get Lysander’s soul back in his body and out of the soulstone. That includes enlisting the help of the local witch coven of Boston. What she did not expect was for the High Priestess to sell them out the the Acta Sanctorum. When the Acta Sanctorum gets involved again it ends the same in bloodshed. Many lives were lost including The Alpha of the local wolf pack. But that did not stop Alyssa and her group well family to take out that small faction of the Acta Sanctorum and make things right again well as right as they can be. Many things happen in this book that you do not want to miss like was Alyssa and her new family able to return Lysander’s Soul to his body. And how things change once Aiden takes over the position of Alpha of The Olde Town Pack. Are alliances broken?
This is a page turner just like the others in this series. This is one of my top fave vampire series. Katie builds a wonderful world with awesome characters. When you read this it will leave you waiting more.

Places to Find the Ah~May~Zing Katie Salidas
On Her Website Katie Salidas
Katie's Author Page on Facebook
Katie on Smashwords
Katie on Twitter
Katie on Goodreads
Places to Find Soulstone
Barnes and Noble (BN)
Books A Million ( BAM )
Rising Sign Books
Happy Reading !!!!
Anna SIG Black

Reflections by Regan Walsh Cover Reveal

Okay everyone you all know that I have had the lovely Regan Walsh on my blog a couple of times for her Paranormal Romance Whisper Cape which I think should be on everyone’s TBR Pile. And today I would like to reveal the cover for Reflections: A Whisper Cape Novel. So Make Sure To Add This One To Your TBR Pile also.


 Title: Reflections
 Author: Regan Walsh
 Series: Whisper Cape
 Genre: Paranormal Romance
 Publisher: Amber Glow Books
 Release Date: November 2012

Goodreads Synopsis

Gerry has loved Maia from the very first moment he laid eyes on her and now that she’s pregnant with his child, he’s over the moon with happiness. Likewise, Maia is overjoyed about having Gerry’s baby, but when she starts seeing and hearing an old woman who always seems to want to warn Maia about the pregnancy, Maia starts to think she is losing her mind.
But Maia’s nightmare has only just begun...
A most sought after beautiful woman, a talented lead singer in an up and coming rock band sets her sights on Gerry determined to rekindle an old flame. But murder befalls the sleepy town of Whisper Cape once again, creating suspicion and betrayal, and a love, considered invincible, begins to crumble and fall apart.

           Happy Reading !!!!

Waiting on Wednesday WoW

Waiting on Wednesday is a weekly event hosted by Jill at Breaking the Spine that spotlights upcoming releases that we are eagerly anticipating! Want to participate? Post your own WOW entry on your blog, and leave your link at Breaking the Spine. My pick......

City of Lost SoulsDark FrostOnyx

W…W…W… Wednesdays

WWW wednesday 1

This weekly meme is hosted by MizB @ Should Be Reading.
To play along, just answer the following three (3) questions…
• What are you currently reading?
• What did you recently finish reading?
• What do you think you’ll read next?

What are you currently reading?
I am just getting ready to start reading
Brightest Kind Of Darkness.
What did you recently finish reading?
I just recently finished
Supernaturally Kissed
The Houglass.
What do you think you will read next?
WOW that is a tough question but it will probably be one of the following
A Taste for Passion.

PLEASE LEAVE A COMMENT with either the link to your own WWW Wednesdays post, or share your answer in a comment here (if you don’t have a blog). Thanks!

Happy Reading !!!!

Teaser Tuesday

Tuesday, April 3, 2012
Teaser Tuesday
Teaser Tuesdays is a weekly bookish meme, hosted by MizB of Should Be Reading. Anyone can play along! Just do the following:
• Grab your current read
• Open to a random page
• Share two (2) “teaser” sentences from somewhere on that page
BE CAREFUL NOT TO INCLUDE SPOILERS! (make sure that what you share doesn’t give too much away! You don’t want to ruin the book for others!)
• Share the title & author, too, so that other TT participants can add the book to their TBR Lists if they like your teasers!

My Teaser
Supernaturally Kissed
I wasn’t normally jumpy --- spirits were real,what else could scare me? Still my nerves were rattled. We weren’t searching for a spirit --- we were looking for a body buried five years ago.
Supernaturally Kissed by Stacey Kennedy

Post in the Comment Box: What’s your Teaser for Tuesday?

Happy Reading !!!!

Until Next Time by Amy Lignor

Sunday, April 1, 2012
Until Next Time

Title: Until Next Time

Author: Amy Lignor

Series: The Angel Chronicles #1

Genre: Paranormal/YA/Romance

Publisher: Tribute Books

Release Date: February 2012

Edition: E~Copy

Source: Tribute Books for Honest Review and Part of Blog Tour


Goodreads Synopsis

How does a girl choose between the one who steals her heart and the one who owns her soul?
Matt and Emily were created for a specific job. Raised and trained as the ultimate angel/warrior team, they are sent down to save, defend, judge and forgive, depending on the 'life' they've been assigned. What they don't realize is that the power of human emotions, such as love, anger, passion and fear can take over even the best of souls, causing them to make mistakes and follow paths that lead to confusion and heartache.
When the reason for their training is finally revealed, the angel/warrior team find themselves thrust into a world they know nothing about. Matt takes over the life of Daniel, a young man with a great deal of baggage. Emily becomes Liz, a girl living in a remote village who relies on nothing more than her own strength to survive. A violent storm erupts one night, and framed in the window of Liz's establishment is a frightening face. Let in by the soul of a Good Samaritan, the two visitors bring with them a past full of secrets that could literally change an angel's path and a warrior's plans.
From murder to redemption, this angel/warrior team must find a way to keep the faith they have in each other in a world that's ripping them apart.
My Thoughts

This was like stories in one Matt and Emily as warrior and angel trained to protect and help the people below, and Daniel and Liz their human shells. Matt and Emily where made to love each other they where destined to be together but once they are but in there human shells things change and they are faced with situations Emily/Liz is not always sure will work. But Emily/Liz is stronger then she knows and while in her human shell does a lot of good for man kind. I enjoyed this story but not sure which aspect I liked more while they are as Matt and Emily or when they are in their human shells as Daniel and Liz. While they are as Matt and Emily they kind of have a carefree life where almost everything is beautiful but has Daniel and Liz they have to work hard to get through life and have faith which at times seems like it can be hard to have.
Places to find Amy
Her Website
Places to find Until Next Time
Barnes and Noble (BN)
Happy Reading !!!!
Anna Sig Teal

Marooned In Miami By Sandra Bunino

Marooned In Miami

Title: Marooned In Miami
Author: Sandra Bunino
Published: Bradley Publishing
Release Date: January 2012
Edition: Kindle
Source: Author for Honest Review
Genre: Romance/Erotica

Goodreads Synopsis

Undeniable lust and a fierce Miami storm bring sexy strangers together at The Hotel Del Santos for a passion filled night.
Stephanie, still reeling from a failed marriage, needs a break from the past. She decides to take her friends’ advice and finds a perfect stranger for a night of no-strings-attached, smoking hot sex.
Jason, a wealthy Seattle builder has the worst luck with love. Swearing he would never allow another woman to get under his skin, Jason decides a life of casual sex is just fine with him. While watching Stephanie’s sexy stilettos click across the lobby floor he zeros in on his next conquest.
Cut off from the outside world, the lives of these two strangers collide and burn with desire when stranded in the perfect storm. Both are content with the idea of sharing a glorious one-night stand together, that is, until they go their separate ways.

My Thoughts

Steamy and Sexually Tantalizing
Stephanie a Pharmaceutical Rep does a lot of traveling for work which helps her cope with her recent divorce of seven years. She travels to South Beach Florida to meet a potential client. She likes to stay at off the beating path so books a room at The Hotel Del Santos. Upon arriving at the hotel South Beach is hit by a hurricane leaving her stranded with out cell service and any communicating with the out side world. She meets a stranger Jason Royce of Royce Homes he designs luxury homes for the wealthy. They end up stuck in an elevator for a brief time then they let their inhibitions go later that night and spend it together for what they both at first to believe a one night stand. That lends to feelings they both have yet do not know how to express to each other for neither one wants to be hurt again. After weeks apart they meet up again in Las Vegas and that is where this will end for now while  we patiently wait   book 2 Lusted in Las Vegas were Stephanie and Jason’s story continues.

Places to find Sandra

Her Website

Places to find Marooned in Miami

Barnes and Noble (BN) 
Bradley Publishing